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June 17: Good practice sessions. Great to have Carol back. The Mixed Chorus session ran a little long again, but I think the extra time was beneficial, and maybe 7:40 should be our regular cut-over time?
Welcome to a new visitor Ashley Vernon, an experienced barbershopper and friend to several members of OCS.
Afterglow on the Back Patio at Mac's (again) was very good! Attended by our new guest Ashley. With the warmer weather, we are able to kibbitz outside, away from the noisy juke box and televisions.
June 24: Regular Monday meeting: 6:30 for Mixed Chorus, 7:30 for Men's chorus, at our regular location at the Glenaire Auditorium. Rehearsal plan:
All - Sing throug our repertoire in anticipation of our concert on July 14.
Mixed -
I Only Have Eyes for You - off paper?
Holly Jolly Christmas
White Christmas
Gloucestershire Wassail
Mixed joining men -
Men -
Sleigh Ride
Christmas Through Your Eyes
Mary's Little Boy Child
Christmastime Is Here
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Christmas Quartets: This is way for anyone to increase one's singing fun and improve one's skills by forming/joining a one-time quartet (or other sized group) solely for stepping out from risers and singing one Christmas song at any of our holiday shows, but without taking on a quartet commitment, or competing, or buying matching socks. Just get some like-minded persons, pick only a single song (Music Team can help), and learn it well enough to perform. Oak City Sound's music team will provide appropriate assistance in coaching and song selection, Why not give it a try? We're talking only one song! I can tell you personally the fun that I experienced on Monday evenings improved greatly the first time I ventured forth (in 1976) to sing with a one-time, one-song quartet.
Nic Cols is coordinating participation.
Several let me know on Monday that you were interested in this. Of course I can't remember which people! So if you're intererested, please email me and I will maintain a list and start working on mixing and matching.
This program is open to all, even members of existing quartets.
The chorus needs to find a suitable location to park our truck. We need your help. Can each of you suggest a soution?.
2. Carol's Korner
It was great making music with you again on Monday! Let's keep working on a well-balanced onset in every phrase of every song. This will make such a difference in how we connect words and phrases, how we breathe in context of the message, how we shape phrases, and so many other aspects of our musicality.
3. Long Range
July 143:00 pm (Sunday) - Performance at Waltonwood Cary
Aug 24: Oak City Sound will NOT BE in concert at Cary Lazy Daze town festival this year.
Sept 2; - NO Rehearsal - Labor Day Holiday
Sept 29, Sunday 3:00pm: Oak City Sound in concert at Preston Pointe in Morrisville.
Dec 9(Monday), 7pm: Oak City Sound in concert at Waltonwood on Lake Boone Trail in Raleigh.
Dec 16 (Monday) 7pm: Oak City Sound in concert at Springmoor in north Raleigh.
Dec 17 (Tuesday) 7:30 pm - Christmas Show at Halle Cultural Arts Center in historic downtown Apex. Our first time at this venue.
Note that our engagement calendar is starting to look better! We still need more concerts -- Christmas season or anytime. So please consider yourself as part of the Oak City Sound marketing team! Try to get us booked for your group's next event! For details, contact our Marketing VP Bob Inskeep.
4. Champagne Room
Kudos to Gary Thorn and Carol Stephenson for their participation in a large American chorus that performed at multiple venues near Normandy in France commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Members from RTP (our own GT and CS) along with Atlanta Vocal Project, Masters of Harmony in southern California, and the Heralds of Har in this glorious tribute.
Huge thanks to Larry Hill for securing the Halle Arts Center for our Christmas concert. It will put a focus on our Christmas season.
Paul Martin, of origine francophone, wishes to point out that our next concert is on July 14, known throughout the world as Bastille Day, Please make mention of this when you see him next!