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The RSS feeds for Oak City Sound are listed below...
March 25: Good Oak City Sound practice at our usual location and time with a new 4-row configuration!
Apr 1 (Monday): Regular weekly meeting at our regular location and at our regular times.
6;30 for Mixed Chorus, 7:30 for Men's Chorus.
Here is what we will rehearse on Monday:
Mixed - both songs with time to record for assessment and qualification
Men - both contest songs with time to record
Lazy Day
Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Immediate To-Do: Go to our Chorus Home Page / Member Home (Oak City Sound Members-Only Area) and fill out your future attendance plans so that the Leadership team can plan appropriately.
Another immediate To-Do: Go to our Chorus Home Page / Member Home (Oak City Sound Members-Only Area) / Assessments Section, and submit your recordings!
2. Carol's Korner
We are heading into the short grass before we head to Pinehurst. Just 2 more regular rehearsals and a concert, and then we are on stage! Let's really focus on accuracy BETWEEN Mondays so we can focus on artistry ON Mondays!
3. Future Notes
April 15 (Monday) 6:15pm: Oak City Sound in concert at Springmoor in north Raleigh. Est. arrival time is 6:15pm.
April 19 to 21: Carolinas District Convention in Pinehurst NC. Quartets will compete on Friday evening. The Mixed and the Men's Choruses will compete, separately, on Saturday!
April 19,Noon time, in Pinehurst area. A luncheon will be held at a local restaurant (TBD at press time) for all those who are Brigade attenders, or want to be attenders, or who just want to pal around and sing some neat songs for an hour to kick off the District Convention weekend! All are invited, including spouses. Cost is on your own. Contact Nic Cols ( to sign up (no obligation actually).
Approx Weekend Schedule:
Quartet Contest Preliminary round is Friday evening, at Pinecrest High School, 250 Voit Gilmore Ln, Southern Pines, NC 28387
Saturday: Chorus practice estimated start time is 9:30. Location TBD
Men's Chorus Uniform: Maui Blue Shirt, black pants, black belt, black socks, black shoes, Black Jacket
Mixed Chorus Uniform: Maui Blue Shirt, black pants, black belt, black socks, black shoes
Chorus Competition runs roughly from 11am to 1:30pm. Pinecrest High.
Chorus Coaching session: somewhere between 1:30 and 4:30pm. Location TBD
Dinner on your own.
Quartet Finals at Pinecrest High starting approx 7pm.
Chapter and Quartet Hospitality Rooms and parties back at the Hotel after the conclusion of the Quartet Contest.
4. Long Range
April 27 (Saturday): Oak City Sound (both choruses) in concert at Cary Spring Daze, to be held (as usual) at Bond Park. Call time is 10:30AM but plan to arrive at least an hour earlier as the parking situation is always a bear. Our performance venue is the Sertoma Amphitheatre (our usual location).
April 29 (Monday): Oak City Sound in concert at The Templeton, near Kildaire Farm Rd X Tryon Rd.
May 6: First Special Guest night of 2024 for Oak City Sound!
Who is a special guest? It's the person YOU invite to come and try us out. Start working on your singing acquaintances and persuade them to come and give us a try.
5. Champagne Room
Thanks to Eva Snapp, Michael Field, and Nic Cols for volunteering to carry Contest judges from RDU to the Convention on Friday!