An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Oak City Sound without having to regularly visit the website.
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The RSS feeds for Oak City Sound are listed below...
March 18: Oak City Sound in Concert at The Cypress of Raleigh. A very successful concert, with 23 Members performing, in our new 4-row configuration!
Inaugural public performance for the new Oak City Sound Mixed Chorus.
First public performance for 4 new members.
Audience gave us great feedback, e.g. "This was the best entertainment ever put on at The Cypress"; and "Way better than the show I attended at Meymandi Concert Hall last weekend!"
Good Afterglow at The Hibernian Pub -- 9 members in attendance. Good times and food were shared by all, plus a song delivered to the other patrons, who cheered wildly and asked us to sing Happy Birthday to one of their cronies.
Click on the Big Purple Box in the upper right to register. If you are going to compete with us, you must purchase a Full Registration.
Links to reserve a hotel room are on the same page. Note that all 3 hotels are located on the same campus and share a single parking lot.
Meals are not included in the Registration price.
Nic Cols is looking for a roommate to share his room with at the Hampton (and the cost). Contact Nic if you're interested (
Approx Weekend Schedule:
Quartet Contest Preliminary round is Friday evening, at Pinecrest High School, 250 Voit Gilmore Ln, Southern Pines, NC 28387
Saturday: Chorus practice estimated start time is 9:30. Location TBD
Chorus Competition runs roughly from 11am to 1:30pm. Pinecrest High.
Chorus Coaching session: somewhere between 1:30 and 4:30pm. Location TBD
Dinner on your own.
Quartet Finals at Pinecrest High starting approx 7pm.
Chapter and Quartet Hospitality Rooms and parties back at the Hotel after the conclusion of the Quartet Contest.
Another immediate To-Do: Go to our Chorus Home Page /Member Home (Oak City Sound Members-Only Area) and fill out your future attendance plans so that the Leadership team can plan appropriately.
Mar 25 (Monday): Regular weekly meeting at our regular location and at our regular times.
6;30 for Mixed Chorus, 7:30 for Men's Chorus.
2. Carol's Korner
3. Future Notes
April 15 (Monday) 6:15pm: Oak City Sound in concert at Springmoor in north Raleigh. Est. arrival time is 6:15pm.
April 19 to 21: Carolinas District Convention in Pinehurst NC. Quartets will compete on Friday evening. The Mixed and the Men's Choruses will compete, separately, on Saturday!
April 19,Noon time, in Pinehurst area. A luncheon will be held at a local restaurant (TBD at press time) for all those who are Brigade attenders, or want to be attenders, or who just want to pal around and sing some neat songs for an hour to kick off the District Convention weekend! All are invited, including spouses. Cost is on your own. Contact Nic Cols ( to sign up (no obligation actually).
4. Long Range
April 27 (Saturday): Please reserve several hours in mid-day for our performing at Cary Spring Daze, to be held at Bond Park. Our invitiation to perform is confirmed, but not the time of day. Usually, it has been around mid-Day.
April 29 (Monday): Oak City Sound in concert at The Templeton, near Kildaire Farm Rd X Tryon Rd.
May 6: First of two Special Guest nights of 2024 for Oak City Sound!
Who is a special guest? It's the person YOU invite to come and try us out. Start working on your singing acquaintances and persuade them to come and give us a try.