1. High Notes
- Feb 19: Good meeting! With the room seating re-oriented, it was way more comfortable!
- Feb 26 (Monday): Regular weekly meeting at our new (regular) location and our usual time.
- 6:30: Mixed Chorus. Please prep on both songs.
- 7:45: Men's chorus rehearsal. Please prep on the following songs:
- Where Everybody Knows
- Here Comes the Sun
- Ride the Chariot
- Two Less Lonely
- Over the Rainbow
- Lazy Day
- You’ve Got a Friend
- We will take time for you to record the contest songs for assessment.
- Register now for the Carolinas District Convention, to be held in Southern Pines NC on April 19 to 20, 2024. Go to https://www.tickettailor.com/events/carolinasdistrictbarbershopharmonysociety/1134374#
- Click on the Big Purple Box in the upper right to register. If you are going to compete with us, you must purchase a Full Registration (Early Bird).
- LInks to reserve a hotel room are on the same page.
- March 18 (Monday) 6pm: Oak City Sound in Concert at The Cypress of Raleigh, 8801 Cypress Lakes Dr, Raleigh, NC 27615.
2. Carol's Korner
We are really making GREAT sounds! The Mixed Chorus songs are coming together well. Over the Rainbow is really taking shape as we sing the story. Let’s apply that to every song!
3. Future Notes
- April 19 to 21: Carolinas District Convention in Pinehurst NC. Quartets will compete on Friday evening. The Mixed and the Men's Choruses will compete, separately, on Saturday!
4. Long Range
- April 27 (Saturday): Please reserve several hours in mid-day for our performing at Cary Spring Daze, to be held at Bond Park. Our invitiation to perform is not confirmed yet, but please pencil in the date for now!