1. High Notes
- The new mobile app can be used to access sheet music and learning tracks (and documents and attendance). Instructions for getting it and setting it up are at: https://www.oakcitysound.org/dbpage.php?pg=app, which you can get to once you login.
- Jan 15: Good rehearsal! Good progress already on our two new numbers.
- Jan 22: First rehearsal of the new mixed chorus at Searstone.
- 6:30: Mixed Chorus inaugural.
- New song "I've Got the World on a String". Tracks and score are available on the web site.
- 7:45 Men's chorus rehearsal
- Please prep on the following songs:
- Where Everybody Knows Your Name
- Lazy Day
- Over the Rainbow
- Two Less Lonely People
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight
- Bare Necessities
- As part of our new quartet program, the following singers are to be ready: Tim Kinsey, Steve McGehee, Bob Inskeep, and Mike Muha
- Jan 29 (Monday); Second meeting with the new format.. Start time is 6:30 for Mixed Chorus and 7:45 for the. Men's chorus.. Usual location at Searstone.
- Feb 5 (Monday): First meeting in our new location: Glenaire Retirement Village off Kildaire Farm Rd. Note that we will be in a different building from our earlier years there in the Auditorium.. Details on location and parking will be given out in January. New usual time.
2. Carol's Korner
Let's set a goal of getting off paper by the 4th rehearsal of any new song. Some of you achieved that on week one, and you are invited to keep setting the bar high for our chapter! The sooner we all have our faces up, the sooner we can really make music, tell a story with our songs, and have FUN!
3. Future Notes
- February 13 and 14 Wednesday: Singing Valentines!!
4. Long Range
- April 19 to 21: Carolinas District Convention in Pinehurst NC