An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Oak City Sound without having to regularly visit the website.
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The RSS feeds for Oak City Sound are listed below...
Nov 11: Fifth Oak City Sound Holiday Singers meeting. So far we've made reat progressWe are almost there! We OCS are so grateful for the great boost you're providing to the music.
Nov 17: Join us if you are available at The Templeton (215 Brightmore Dr, Cary, NC 27518) Friday afternoon at 2:00 for an optional additional practice of the Holiday Chorus song set.. You can refer to Carol's email from last week for details.
Nov 20: Special rehearsal for OCS Holiday Chorus, followed by OCS regular practice. The usual meeting place (Searstone)
7pm to 7:45: Oak City Sound Holiday Chorus. We will run the entire set:
Carol of the BellsDo You Hear What I Hear?
Away in a Manger - also a sing-along
Jingle Bells - also a sing-along
It Came Upon a Silent Night
7:50 to 9:30: We will run the entire OCS song set for the entire Dec 5 show, which follows:
We Need a Little Christmas
Songs of Christmas
Christmas Through Your Eyes
Quartet - Impromptu or NH4
Sing-along (Rudolph??)
Please Come Home for Christmas
Jingle Bell Rock
A Christmas Carol
Quartet - NH4 or Impromptu
Sing-along (Frosty??)
Light the Legend
It's a Hanukkah Song (in a Major Key)
March of the Wooden Soldiers
Holiday Chorus Set (practiced during Holiday Chorus time above)
Mele Kalikimaka (OCS)
Nov 25 (Saturday): Last NC State Football Game concession. Game and call times are TBD.
Please start telling your friends and acquaintances about our Christmas Concert at the Cary Arts Center on Tuesday Dec 5.
Unlike our other performances throughout the year, we ourselves are responsible for selling our own tickets for this show.
Mike has sent out an email to you all that you can forward to your own mailing list (like everyone!!).
Holiday Chorus members will get two tickets so that you can enjoy the first part of the show (using one ticket) with a friend (using the second ticket), then at intermission, go back stage in preparation for the second half with the Holiday Chorus
Another important aspect of the Show is selling advertising space in the show program. Please approach the businesses you trade at and ask them to take out an Ad.
Oak City Sound has for decades been a strong active supporter of vocal music in middle and high schools throughout Wake County.
Special request to Holiday Chorus singers: In addition to the Dec 5 concert at Cary Arts Center, you are invited to sing in any of our Christmas concerts. Please respond to to let us know which concerts you would be able to perform in.
All are on Mondays: Nov 27, Dec 4, Dec 11, and Dec 18 (note correction of last week's Acorn).
Call times will be about 6:00pm or so.
Program will only be about an hour in length.
Nov 27 (Monday) - Our FIRST Holiday Concert at The Templeton
Call time is 6:15pm
215 Brightmore Dr, Cary, NC 27518
2. Carol's Korner
Keep putting in the work to make this music - and especially the words - instinctive and consistent. We are a week away from our first performance!
3. Future Notes
Dec 4 (Monday) - Holiday Concert at Springmoor
Dec 5 (Tuesday) - Holiday Concert at Cary Arts Center
Dec 11 (Monday) - Holiday Concert at Whispering Pines
Dec 18 (Monday) - Holiday Concert at Searstone
4. Long Range
January TBD: Chorus "Installation" Banquet
February 14 Wednesday: Singing Valentines!!
April 19 to 21: Carolinas District Convention in Pinehurst NC