1. High Notes
- July 31: Great meeting and practice! We had 23 singers present, including two guests: Dave Barnard (guest of Warren Fuson) and Jack Deere (long-time former General Assembly member, now living in Hilton Head, and back for a visit).
- Good Afterglow at Abbey Road, where we had another outstanding social time.
- Have you checked our memorization schedule at https://www.oakcitysound.org/db_uploads/RehearsalSchedule2023.pdf ? Let's get on board with this!
- Aug 7 (Monday): Regular meeting at our regular time at our regular location: Searstone Retirement Community at 7pm. We will rehearse the following:
- Please Come Home for Christmas
- Honesty
- Two Less Lonely People
- Over the Rainbow
- Mele Kalikimaka
- Almost Like Being in Love
- Desperado
- Songs of Christmas
- REMINDER: Music Team needs your Christmas Stories -- NOW.
- Did you know all The Acorns are stored in a public place on our chorus website? https://www.oakcitysound.org/dbpage.php?pg=news and you don't have to be logged into to see them. Anyone can view them. You can also get there by clicking, on the Home page, Events & News then click Latest News.
2. Carol's Korner
- Let's always bring our best singing to the room on Monday nights. When we start with that in mind, even The Old Songs can sound fresh and new!
- Keep working on correct notes, rhythms, and words on our new songs. We have only 3 more rehearsals before we perform at Lazy Daze!
3. Future Notes
- Aug 26, 11:00-11:30AM: Cary Lazy Daze Town Festival. Oak City Sound will be performing on the main stage, as we've done for a few years running. Proposed song list:
- Desperado
- Two Less Lonely People in the World
- Honesty
- You've Got a Friend in Me
- Here Comes the Sun
- Yesterday
- Over the Rainbow
- The Bare Necessities
- Almost Like Being in Love
- Sweet Caroline
- Maybe 1 quartet song, TBA
- Aug 28 - Next Oak City Sound guest night, at our regular Monday evening rehearsal time and place.
4. Long Range
Note that all Mondays in our Christmas season are fully booked, plus Tuesday Dec 5! Thanks to the team for making so many bookings, and to everyone for singing well enough that these places have invited us back.
- Sept 18 - Concert at Springmoor
- Oct 22 - a Sunday afternoon. Oak City Sound in concert at Preston Pointe in Morrisville.
- Nov 27 - Concert at Templeton
- Dec 4 - Concert at Springmoor
- Dec 5 - (Tuesday) Concert at Cary Arts Center
- Dec 11 - Concert at Whispering Pines
- Dec 18 - Concert at Searstone
5. Champagne Room
- Good Luck! to the 7th Dimension Quartet, Impromptu quartet, and Sean Li who are attending Lakeside Harmony Weekend at Clemson Univ.