An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Oak City Sound without having to regularly visit the website.
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The RSS feeds for Oak City Sound are listed below...
July 24 (Monday): Regular meeting at our regular time at our regular location: Searstone Retirement Community at 7pm. We will rehearse the following:
Light the Legend
Two Less Lonely People (off spots!)
Please Come Home for Christmas
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear/Silent Night
Christmas Through Your Eyes
2. Carol's Korner
Christmas is coming, the music folder is getting fat! We have a lot of work left to prepare for Cary Lazy Daze, but remember to start cracking on the new and resurrected Christmas music.
We will keep adding that to our rehearsal schedule in the coming weeks as we are finishing up preparations for our new songs that will be sung for our August 26 performance.
Keep working on flow, connection, lift, approaching each pitch from the top, and all of the other things I nag you about! It's paying off!!
3. Future Notes
John Zweighaft invites everyone to attend his church's sight-singing lab this summer. It runs on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, starting Tuesday July 11, for several weeks. Greg Santa Croce, who is the choir director at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church in Apex, will lead. It’s free. It will include some basics of reading music to train singing music intervals. It is recommended for both new and experienced singers. Contact John Zweighaft for more information.
Aug 26, 11:00-11:30AM: Cary Lazy Daze Town Festival. Oak City Sound will be performing on the main stage, as we've done for a few years running. Proposed song list:
Two Less Lonely People in the World
You've Got a Friend in Me
Here Comes the Sun
Over the Rainbow
The Bare Necessities
Almost Like Being in Love
Sweet Caroline
Maybe 1 quartet song, TBA
Aug 28 - Next Oak City Sound guest night, at our regular Monday evening rehearsal time and place.
4. Long Range
Sept 18 - Concert at Springmoor
Oct 22, a Sunday afternoon. Oak City Sound in concert at Preston Pointe in Morrisville.