Carol's Korner section is all rewritten. Read it now!
Same as last week. Why? Because we haven't mastered it yet!
Breathing buzz part 3 …
Breathe silently. When the audience hears breathing, whether slow breaths during rests or gasps anywhere, it interferes with the music. Breathe silently.
Two key things to do this:
First, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Many people breathe in through their mouth, especially for gasping air. To make it worse, a wide mouth, like you use in a grin, increases the noise of the air intake. Yuk. Listen to your breathing in a recording sometime.
Second, pull in air using your diaphragm. Your chest and shoulders shouldn’t really move when you breathe in. Your stomach area should grow, and more than that, your whole middle section should expand all the way around.
Here’s an
Lean against a wall with your feet several inches from the wall, using good posture. Now breathe in deeply through your nose, mouth open or closed, and notice your belly growing. Also feel your back press slightly toward the wall. You can also feel your “back breathing” by putting your hands on your lower back while you breathe. This gets the air all the way down to the bottom of your lungs (remember the
last buzz? See )
Doing just these two things will lead to quieter breathing and also set you up to better support your sound.