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We will be performing at Cary's Lazy Daze on August 27! Hooray! Added to Future Events
Carolina Harmony (who we work with for NC State concessions) has decided to stick with our Current Stand #1.. So forget all that extra noise about it.
The concession sign up sheet is ready now, not next week.
1. Notes for this week
Last Monday's Rehearsal:
This week’s rehearsal was a little different: Carol was absent and yours truly tried vainly to follow you all through the music for next Monday's show. Thank you for your patience.
We were delighted to have as a new guest Steve Cutlip, newly arrived from the Houston area. He sang a great tenor alongside Sean Li, and even joined in one step-out quartet singing "Hello Mary Lou". Welcome Steve!
Our next meeting is special: Oak City Sound In Concert, on Monday July 25 at our usual meeting place, Searstone Retirement Village, This is one of the two concerts we give annually at Searstone in exchange for their allowing us to use their hall for free!. Please show up at 6pm, concert begins at 7pm.
There is a uniform requirement: Chorus blue jeans, chorus blue check shirt, brown shoes, brown belt. Chorus black jacket is optional.
Here's the song list in show order.,but there are no guarantees - so stay flexible!
I love to Sing 'em (Tag)
The Longest Time
Lion Sleeps Tonight
Nic's note: Remember Tenori to stay in your upper register at the end of each of the first two lines of the song where you are totally solo.
Quartet - "Crazy"
Almost Like Being In Love
Let me call you Sweetheart
Story of the Rose (Heart of my Heart)
Quartet - Java Jive
Happy Birthday
Do you hear the People Sing?
Prayer of the Children
Ride the Chariot
Quartet - Alternate Dimension - two songs
Sweet Caroline
Nic's note: All parts, work harder to be on pitch on the 3rd note of the song ... we tend to under-achieve ... and wherever that same phrasing is repeated.
Bare Necessities
As always: Keep working on creating legato lines by singing into and through the open vowels and making the end of each syllable the beginning of the next syllable. As you get used to this concept, it will make a HUGE difference!
Along with this, you should develop your interpretational ability, which, for a chorus member, means using dynamic range to express the meanings of the phrases, and even to help delineate the phrases themselves. Longer duration notes, as defined in the context of the song, should have dynamic changes so as to convey the feeling of the phrase, plus maintain the forward direction of the phrasing, and not get mired in chord worship.
3. Future Notes
Due to the construction that has begun at the front door at Searstone, parking at the front of the building is no longer allowed. All must park at Lorraine Park area.
August 27, approx 11AM - Oak City Sound in concert at Cary's Lazy Daze town festival. Mark it on your calendar
4. Long Range
We will not meet on Monday September 5 for Labor Day.
September 10 is our first of 7 football concession sessions at Carter Finley stadium. These are our most important fund raiser events of the year. We need to provide 6 workers for each event. The signup sheet is available now.
We have been asked by our concession hosts Carolina Harmony to consider switching to a better venue spot at the stadium which would provide more revenue but require two more workers each week. The Fayetteville Chapter has agreed to help us out with more manpower, but of course we would not then get as much additional revenue.
Remember that it does not have to be just chapter members working the concession. Family and friends can help out, too..
Tim will provide more details as we get close. Meanwhile, click Concession to sign up as you are able. It is available now.
Here is the entire schedule, as far as we know right now:
Sep 10 - Kickoff @ 12:30pm Report to work @ 9:30am
Many of the ladies will be en route to their International Contest so we will probably need to provide more than our standard 6 workers. Right now they are hoping we can provide 9 workers for the first game. We only have 2 who have committed to work so far.
This is the same date as NSC District's Lakeside Harmony weekend. Note that Chapter responsibilities take priority.
Sep 17 - Kickoff @ 7:00pm Report to work @ 4:30pm
Sep 24 - time TBA
Oct 8 - time TBA
Oct 27 - Kickoff @ 7:30pm Report to work @ 5:00pm
Nov 5 - time TBA
Nov 12 - time TBA
September 10 is also the district’s Lakeside Harmony Camp at the Durant Nature Preserve. It is an all day fun event of education and singing. The chapter obligation comes first, but after filling that you should attend this event if you can.
October 14 and 15:: NSC District will hold this Fall's Convention at Asbury UMC Church at 6612 Creedmoor Rd, in Raleigh.
Volunteering: HCA/HOC Choruses in Durham are the hosting chapter. with Jason Kekas as the Convention Planner and Chairman.. Let Nic know if you are available to help as well.
Particpating: We will compete at the Convention with The Bare Necessities and Over the Rainbow.. Look for future announcements about the qualifying process!
Christmas Season:
Show: On December 6, a Tuesday evening, we will put on a Christmas show at the Cary Arts Center theater. We will need to sell tickets. Start thinking NOW about who you might want to invite.
Community Singouts: Please be on the lookout for possible other places to sing at Christmas time. If they can't come to us, we will come to them! Just to put some context about it: we had 14 singers at our singouts in North Hills Shopping Center, while at the same time we were having only 10 or 11 at practice sessions! Everyone likes singouts in the public setting. Note that we will make every effort possible to schedule these for Monday evenings. We know your time during the Holiday season is precious, so to ask for another night is difficult. We hope you can keep your Monday evenings reserved for Oak City Sound throughout that season.