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Nov. 11: Thanks to Mike for leading us while Carol was traveling! Good job to everyone for getting through all the songs. It was the first time we sang Midnight Clear/Silent Night all together!
**HOLIDAY OUTFITS** for both Holiday Chorus & regular chorus. For all Holiday shows, our outfits will be the same as last year:
Black bottoms (pants / long skirts / etc)
Black footwear (shoes/socks) if possible
Colorful, solid-color tops in any style (business casual / sweaters / etc. Ask if unsure)
Nov. 18: Regular members should be OFF MUSIC now!
Mixed Chorus from 6:45p – 7:30p. Holiday Chorus goes from 7:30p – 8:15p. Break/Business meeting from 8:15p – 8:30p. Men’s Chorus from 8:30p – 9:30p.
2. Overtures
Buy/Sell our Holiday Show Tickets now: Dec. 17 public concert. Cost is $17 regular & $15 for juniors/seniors. Remember, we are responsible for selling these tickets. Purchase through our website:
Holiday Quartets – keep practicing and showcase your songs!
All holiday Quartets will have a chance to sing between the break and the Men’s practice.
Singers can still join us forHoliday Chorus! Call or text your friends. Share the Facebook post/event or the poster. Participants in HC will:
Learn the songs: Gloucester Wassail, Holly Jolly Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear/Silent Night – NO memorization required!
Participants are invited to sing at ANY (or all) of our holiday gigs: Dec. 2, Dec. 9, Dec. 16, and Dec. 23 (all Mondays) are at retirement centers; and Dec. 17 (Tuesday) is our public holiday show.
Learning tracks will be publicly posted on our website.
Remember, HC is no cost, no commitment for participants.
RSVP requested but not required at (or they can just show up to rehearsal!)
Who Might Hire us for a Concert? Do you know of any upcoming community events or a group looking for some entertainment? Contact our Marketing VP Bob Inskeep.
3. Carol's Cadence *Consolidated by Eva in lieu of Carol’s absence* If Carol had been here, she would probably have said:
PRACTICE at home and get off the sheet music. The better you know the basics, the more we can work on artistry.
Channel your BarbershOPERA (high palettes) and remember to sing smooooooth lines when singing.
Thank you to Mike Muha for leading rehearsal in my absence!
Be ready to REHEARSE any and all of the 12 concert songs (listed below) – from now through the holidays.
Songs for Rehearsal (from now to Dec):
Mixed Chorus:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – MIXED
White Christmas – MIXED
Holiday Chorus (& Mixed):
Holly Jolly Christmas – HOLIDAY CHORUS
Gloucestershire Wassail – HOLIDAY CHORUS
Mele Kalikimaka – HOLIDAY CHORUS
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear / Silent Night – HOLIDAY CHORUS
Men’s Chorus:
Christmastime is Here – Men’s
Do You Hear What I Hear? – Men’s
Light the Legend – Men’s
Sleigh Ride – Men’s
Songs of Christmas – Men’s
Winter Wonderland – Men’s
4. Accelerando
Nov 25 (Monday): This will be our LAST rehearsal before we begin performing for audiences!
Dec 2 (Monday): Concert at The Cardinal (at North Hills) in ballroom.
Dec 9(Monday), 7pm: Concert at Waltonwood on Lake Boone Trail in Raleigh.
Dec 16 (Monday), 7pm: Concert at Springmoor in north Raleigh.
Dec 17 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - Christmas Show at Halle Cultural Arts Center in historic downtown Apex. Our big show that will include Quartets & the Holiday Chorus.
Dec 23 (Monday), 7pm - Concert at Whispering Pines in north Raleigh on Leadmine Rd.
5. In Harmony (Other BHS Opportunities)
Want to help a Pittsburgh BHS member earn his Masters Degree in Voice Pedagogy?
Joshua Gongaware is researching the individual practice habits of barbershop chorus singers. Josh is the Immediate Past President and current Assistant Director and Singing Coach of Vocal Confluence, Pittsburgh’s BHS All-Voice Barbershop A Capella chorus.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete, and the deadline is November 30, 2024.
Access the survey & read more about the study at the link below:
Sad news. Jim Murrell’s son Scott lost his 2-year battle with cancer. If you are so led, the family asks you to donate to the American Cancer Society in Scott’s name. The family is planning a celebration of life for Scott with more details coming soon.